Due on: February 22nd, 2022 (final, no more extensions)
Decision Notification
May 10th, 2022
Registration opens
In presence registrations close on August 15th, midnight CEST
Presentation video upload by the 25th of July
Technical Program is now available:
General Co-Chairs’ Welcome
CCTA 2022, the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, will be held Tuesday through Thursday, August 23 – 25, at Stazione Marittima, Trieste, Italy. CCTA 2022 is designed to be (at last!) an in-person event, for all of us who have missed the opportunity of meeting with friends and colleagues in person. After all, networking, alongside the dissemination of knowledge, is one of the purposes of our conferences. That’s why we have chosen Trieste, a nice, safe and secure venue on the Mediterranean sea, with plenty of opportunities and the right climate to match the indoor scientific sessions with en plein air activities. CCTA 2022 however also aims at being an inclusive event and at maximizing participation. That’s why the conference program will be carefully scheduled to offer a rewarding virtual experience to a larger audience. CCTA 2022 will therefore be a hybrid conference that will run in-person and virtually. All authors will be required to record their talk in advance, which will be available on the Paperplaza Platform. Authors who wish to attend physically will then join us in Trieste. While the entire technical programme will be available online, an appropriate scheme will be followed for the in-person programme which will run in parallel with the virtual programme. More details will be available when the registration opens.
CCTA 2022 is one of the main conferences sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society and replaces the successful former IEEE CCA and IEEE MSC. The technical program will feature the presentation of contributed and invited papers, as well as tutorial sessions and workshops, focusing on technological advances and applications of control engineering. Italy has several strong control groups with a tradition of cooperation with companies, and significant participation from industry is anticipated. The conference includes all aspects of control engineering for practical control systems, from analysis and design, through simulation and hardware. Major themes of energy, manufacturing, and transportation will feature applications of control technology for robotic, automotive, biomechanical, aerospace, power and energy systems, control of networks, and many others. Plenary lectures will be delivered on each of the three days as part of the conference program. A series of tutorial workshops will be presented on Monday preceding the conference. Participants will have the opportunity to present their papers that were published in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (more details will follow).
The conference will take place in the Stazione Marittima. Born as a Maritime Station for cruise ships, the location offers a unique view of the Adriatic sea, with the castle of Miramare as a backdrop. Not far from Piazza Unità d’Italia, it can be reached on foot from most hotels enabling you to enjoy the waterfront walk. Besides being a town rich of history, science, and culture, and a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural melting pot, Trieste is also the ideal starting point to discover the many treasures of Friuli Venezia Giulia, that range from breath-taking Alpine sceneries to gourmet food and wine experiences.
The 6th IEEE CCTA is sponsored by
the IEEE Control Systems Society & the European Control Association
and is organized in cooperation with the
Society for Instrument and Control Engineers

Silver Sponsors:

Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology on CCTA22
The synergy between IEEE TCST and CCTA is becoming even stronger. Authors of selected articles presented at CCTA 2022 will be invited to prepare an extended version of their work to be considered for publication on a Special Issue of the IEEE TCST devoted to the conference. Prospective papers will be chosen by a Committee formed by members of the IEEE TCST Editorial Board and IEEE CCTA22 Conference OpCom. The Special Issue will follow a fast track for publication, and is expected to appear in print concurrently with CCTA2023.
Organizing Committee

Alessandro Beghi
University of Padova
General Co-Chair

Fabrizio Dabbene
General Co-Chair

Oliver Sawodny
University of Stuttgart
Program Chair

Angelo Cenedese
University of Padova
Finance Chair

Stefano di Cairano
CCTA Editorial Board Chair

Knut Graichen
FAU Erlangen
Industry Chair

Chris Manzie
University of Melbourne
Workshops Chair

Stefano Miani
University of Udine
Local Arrangements Co-Chair

Toru Namerikawa
Keio University
Invited Session Chair

Felice Andrea Pellegrino
University of Trieste
Local Arrangements Co-Chair

Romain Postoyan
University of Lorraine
Tutorial Sessions Chair

Chiara Ravazzi
Registration Chair

Gian Antonio Susto
University of Padova
Web & Publicity Chair

Cristina Tarin
University of Stuttgart
Diversity & Inclusion Chair

Jun Ueda
Georgia Institute of Technology
Publications Chair
Enjoy Trieste
Photo Credits: Fabrice Gallina ‘Vista dalla Lanterna’, ‘Ponterosso’, ‘Formaggio Latteria’; Marco Milani ‘Castello di Miramare’, ‘Piazza Unità’, ‘Faro della Vittoria’; Anja Cop ‘Regata Barcolana’; Massimo Crivellari ‘Statua di James Joyce – Canal Grande’, ‘Antico Caffè San Marco’